REBEKAH WAITES            





1. Video
2. Press
3. Purchase/Commission ?
2021 - Present
34.04110669978403, -118.27860999363969
American Drain

American Drain is a series that explores America’s addiction to addiction. Inspired by my brother’s struggle with addiction, I began exploring America’s addiction to addiction by using drugs and drug paraphernalia as a medium. The first piece in the series titled “American Dream” was created for the “Boundless Space: The Possibilities of Burning Man” exhibit and auction at Sotheby’s NY in 2021. “American Dream” was such a hit that it created a bidding war during the last 10 minutes of the auction fetching 3 times its estimated value.

Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, gold leaf on wood panel canvas with found frame
38 X 2 X 32”


 “Black”, 2024
Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, gold leaf on wood panel canvas with found frame
32 X 2 X 42”



“American Dream”, 2021

Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, kitchen drain, on repurposed aluminum canvas
72 X 3 X 48”

“American Drain” prt. 1
Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, kitchen drain, on wood panel
36 x 3 x 24”

“American Drain” prt. 2

Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, kitchen drain on wood panel
24 X 3 X 36”



“American Drain” prt. 3

Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, plastic figurines, kitchen drain, on wood panel
6 X 3 X 6”

“Shitter’s Full”
Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, on found porcelain toilet
20 X 29 X 31"



“Who Knows What Danger Lurks In Your Plumbing”, 2024
Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, on found porcelain toilet
20 X 29 X 31"


“Red White Blue White”, 2023

Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, kitchen drain, on wood panel

12 x 3 x 12”



“Red”, 2022

Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, kitchen drain, on wood panel

12 x 3 x 12”


“Blue”, 2022

Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, kitchen drain, on wood panel

12 x 3 x 12”


“White”, 2022

Gelatin capsules, resin, acrylic paint, kitchen drain, on wood panel

12 x 3 x 12”

